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MiX People – Brahm Lategan

At MiX, we are so proud to work with great people who have delivered some brilliant projects. And as part of our series introducing some of our team, we are featuring Brahm Lategan, a MiX SMART Buildings Associate Consultant.

– What do you do at MiX ?

As a Smart Building Consultant, my role extends beyond the title to encompass that of an Operational Tech Enterprise or Solution Architect. I specialise in guiding our clients through the digital transformation of their buildings and workspaces within the commercial real estate and built environment sectors. My responsibilities span from crafting strategic designs and providing thought leadership for global corporate organizations to meticulously crafting technical specifications for individual deployments.

– What has been your favourite career project?

I’m fortunate to have experienced several remarkable ones, with one standout project involved collaborating with BSRIA physicists and engineers to test a full-scale mock-up of a breathable building facade for Bloomberg HQ. Additionally, I’ve devised solutions and architectures for energy management systems benefiting large NHS trusts, with concrete evidence of their efficacy demonstrated in the returned datasets. I did the same for an international furniture and lifestyle retailer.

– What do you think are the key challenges or opportunities facing the industry at the moment?

The smart building sector is still emerging, presenting an exhilarating time to be part of this dynamic industry. I observe a myriad of innovations emerging, with tangible returns on investments from deployments now becoming publicly accessible. However, the industry currently lacks cohesion, marked by disparate sources of information, diverse opinions, and varying definitions.

It’s imperative for the industry to unite, demystify the technology, establish common language, standards, and definitions for the collective benefit of all stakeholders. We all recognize the pivotal role of digital transformation in the global journey towards achieving net-zero emissions. Yet, without collaborative efforts, this journey risks prolongation.

Consequently, MiX, in collaboration with other industry frontrunners, is taking proactive steps by spearheading the formation of a council aimed at educating and establishing globally recognized industry standards. In addition, we are actively involved in thought leadership initiatives, such as the CIBSE smart building steering committee.
